Chambord castle from a series of French castles


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Hello! Only half of this week has passed, and I'm already thinking: why hasn't weekend come yet? ? I really want to go outside and let wind go...

Chambord castle from a series of French castles

Against background of aggravation of fifth wave of epidemic in France, everyone is starting to get nervous again. To prevent spread of epidemic, French government is also puzzling over how to strengthen epidemic prevention measures: encouraging vaccination and repeated injections, increasing use of health codes, offering remote work, and so on.

As a very timid person, I stocked up on a bunch of disposable disinfectant gels, disposable masks, and disinfectants. How? Is my epidemic prevention work well prepared? !

Wish I was going to go out and have some fun during Christmas holidays, but now it's all gone. Alas...

Chambord castle from a series of French castles

Since body can't play outside, let eyes travel first! Today we will go to Château de Chambord.

Chambord castle from a series of French castles

You must have heard of Châteaux de la Loire (Loire Castles) in Loire Valley, right? Chambord is one of most recognizable French-style castles in Loire Valley castle complex.

Most of castles in Loire Valley were built in middle of 16th century, and most of them belong to French Renaissance style. In 16th century, several French kings ruled Italy for a short time, due to which legacy of Italian Renaissance began to rise in France, leading to French Renaissance.

Chambord castle from a series of French castles

Let's return to Chambord Castle. This is largest castle in group of castles of Loire Valley, it was once hunting palace of French royal family, and is now a French national park.

Château de Chambord was built in 1519 by its first owner, King Francis I of Valois dynasty. However, until death of Francis I in 1547, only main tower and one wing were completed. Chambord Castle was completed by seven of his successors one by one. It was not until 1685, during reign of Louis XIV, that Chambord was finally completed.

Suspicious designer?

Chambord castle from a series of French castles

As for designer of Château de Chambord, no final conclusions have been made.

Some people think it is Da Vinci as many of drawings in his manuscripts were reflected in Chambord Castle, such as castle's most famous landmark: double spiral staircase. However, Leonardo da Vinci died before castle could be built.

It is believed to be architect Dominico da Cortona from Italy. At time, he was a talent of French royal family, and Paris City Hall was designed by him. Domenico da Cortona also made a model of Chambord and was involved in actual building work. However, this does not prove that he is designer of castle.

Some believe that King Francis I should be designer of castle: king led planning of entire project, design of castle and implementation of project, and da Vinci and Italian architects participated in development. castle. Design work. Because castle of Chambord has not only style of Italian Renaissance, but also French style of many medieval castles on Loire River.

In any case, everyone is basically sure that da Vinci was involved in design of castle.

Château de Chambord is a must-see

*Double spiral staircase* Chambord castle from a series of French castles

The Double Helix Staircase is a posthumous work by da Vinci, embodying superlative design concept of 'artist of genius'. The double helix staircase has two independent stairs. These two stairs are independent and intertwined with each other, so that people walking on stairs feel that person walking on other stairs is far and close, and he is faintly visible.

In addition to artistic considerations, double spiral staircase also has a practical function: to allow people going up and down stairs at same time to pass unhindered!

*Triton on ceiling* Chambord castle from a series of French castles

(Photo source:

The salamander, emblem of Francis I, appears more than 300 times on walls and ceilings of Château de Chambord. He sees salamander as a special being, as reflected in his motto "Je me nourris du bon feu et j'éteins le mauvais feu. “I feed on good (fire) and put out evil (fire).”

*French garden* Chambord castle from a series of French castles

(Image source: Wikipedia)

The French garden of Château de Chambord opened to public in spring 2017. The 18,874 square meter lawn features hundreds of trees and shrubs, as well as over 15,000 plant species, for an immersive experience.

First of all, I will talk about this issue, and next time I will present you with more interesting materials.